Vision for P.S.H.E.

Subject Leader: Mrs A Jaggard, assisted by Miss C Jackson

At Heygarth, we believe that our P.S.H.E curriculum should promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and prepare our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We envision a persistent and consistent commitment to being a mentally healthy school where relationships and communication are secure and are at the heart of teaching and learning.

PSHE is delivered to all children to enable them to learn and achieve together. The provision of PSHE addresses a child’s personal, social and emotional health on a regular basis. As a result of this our children’s basic needs are constantly under development and these needs underpin their cognitive growth and mental health. Most aspects of PSHE are delivered through a cross-curricular approach to provide maximum impact on each child’s progress. However, we also deliver discrete P.S.H.E lessons where no cross-curricular links can be made.

Children are empowered to understand their own and each other’s worth and role in society. Children will be supported to become respectful of each other’s emotions and beliefs, feelings and values. They will be enabled to be reflective about their emotional health and understand how to seek help. The 7 Heygarth ‘characteristics’ will be practised, taught and modelled by adults regularly (respect, readiness, courage, resilience, honesty, thoughtfulness and determination).