Welcome to Year 2 – Maple & Willow Classes
Welcome to Year 2’s page!
If you have any enquiries, please contact us via the school office.
Please follow us on Twitter for regular updates of what we are up to:
Year 2 Staff
Miss Lindsay - Maple class teacher
Mrs Jaggard - Willow class teacher
Mrs Foord - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Mountford - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Watson - Teaching Assistant
General Information
This term, PE will take place on Monday (outdoors) and Friday (outdoors) and children should arrive in school wearing their PE kits. Please ensure that your child is able to remove and put back on any trainers especially if they have laces.
Homework will be set on Wednesday for return the following Wednesday. It will be set via google classroom. Homework will include English, maths and topic work.
If you have difficulty accessing google classroom please call the office or speak to your class teacher who will be able to help.
As we are approaching the colder weather, please ensure your child comes to school wearing the appropriate clothing.
Autumn 1
‘Grace and family’ by Mary Hoffman
Grace is invited by her father to visit him in Africa. In the Gambia she meets his family and explores new relationships and a new culture.
This term, we will be reading the text ‘Grace and Family’ by Mary Hoffman. The children’s learning will link directly to the text, with other curriculum links to our topic ‘What’s it like to live in Africa?’. The children will have opportunities to predict and make inferences based on their understanding of the story. The children will be challenged to write for a wide variety of purposes, including; poetry, postcards, letters, diary entries and much more!
Our topics in maths this term will include, ‘numbers to 100’ and ‘addition and subtraction’. This will include counting forwards and backwards to 100, using prior learning of number bonds to support with our learning. We will apply various strategies to our learning using practical equipment alongside written methods. It will really help your child if you can refer to place value, supporting their number recognition through casual discussion.
If you are able to, please encourage your child to use their numbots and TT rockstars accounts which will really help to develop their knowledge and skills across these two subjects. If you don’t have your child’s login please speak to their class teacher.
Curriculum: What’s it like to live in Africa?
Curriculum: What’s it like to live in Africa?
This half term we will be looking at Africa. We will learn about the 7 continents of the world, focusing our learning around the continent of Africa and why it is so significant.
We will be exploring the difference between Africa and the UK, will enable us to explore Africa in all its beauty, tackling any misconceptions. We will be comparing Birkenhead and Banjul (linked to where Grace visits in our class text). The children will learn about Nelson Mandela and the key historical events in his life. This will also link with Black history month where we will learn about Wangari Mathai and how her achievements were similar to Nelson Mandela. We will explore African music, colourful African patterns and land coverage including the Savannah.
Reading books must be returned on Thursday and will be swapped on Fridays.
Your child will either receive both a RWInc book and a RWInc book bag book based upon your child’s latest RWInc assessment. Once they are no longer using RWInc they will receive a book appropriate to their reading level and a ‘reading for pleasure’ self-chosen book.
Once your child is a confident reader they should concentrate on comprehension as well as understanding new vocabulary. As well as their school reading books, please encourage your child to read as widely as possible. The libraries in Eastham and Bromborough are now back open so you will be able to visit them for free books!